A new kind of project.
Earlier this winter, before December’s frost, ice, and dustings of snow had morphed into the more than four feet still piled up around the shop, I expanded the list of things I’ve tried my hand at. A film crew, four consummate craftsmen, arrived for a three-day shoot in my shop.
They represented a Denver based company called Craftsy and we shot an instructional video on cutting and bending curves in wood. The final product is a two and one half hour online class called Woodworking Essentials: Bending and Shaping. If the subject interests you or the skills taught might be useful you can watch the trailer and buy the video using the link below.
As with most new ventures, I fine myself wishing a few elements of the final product were a little better. Well really just one element. The filming, editing, content, and the way the class presents are better than I could have imagined. The camera work and the flow of the lessons are all pretty spectacular. As a presenter though, I believe I’ve got a few rough edges – at least to my way of looking at things. However, if you’re interested in cutting curves in wood or laminating parts for your project or steam bending, then there’s a lot of well-organized and concise information.
I’ll also be answering questions and helping students with their project through Craftsy’s online classroom; I’m very excited about the class and this new way of teaching and meeting new students. And I promise, when we film the next video I’ll have improved my “acting” skills.