Mischief Pram
Mischief is a proven design and close to a dozen boats have been built by classes, families and individual builders. However, the plans and building guide are still a work in progress. Look for kits, plans and final pricing mid winter 2022
Mischief is a wonderfully versatile little boat for rowers of all age and she’s a perfect first-time boatbuilding project. At 7′10″ in length and 4' 4" in width she’s a stable and predictable craft. The construction is a builder friendly hybrid of glue-and-screw construction and more traditional methods. The building process has been carefully choreographed so that families or individual builders can assemble the boat over two weekends.
Mischief is a proven design; I’ve built her with students and used her in on water classes at the WoodenBoat School. She’s stable enough for kids to play around in; rows well, though pulling into head seas can be wet work. She tows like a feather and I’ve rowed her ashore with 4 adults and a load of camping gear aboard. In short she’s as good a tender as I’ve ever used and better then many I’ve tried. Best of all you can build her yourself.
Mischief is offered as a finished boat with prices stating at $4850. We will also offer full kits and plans sets.