Here's the shop safely tucked in after a big February storm.
This is the time of year when I always seem to struggle to overcome a lack of momentum. It feels like winter is a hole I stumble into each year. Not enough gets done, or the wrong stuff gets done, or I can’t seem to tell the difference. Often the days just don’t feel productive. It’s not that I’m inactive, it’s just that most days I end up doing something besides the job I got out of bed to tackle.
I always seem to come out of my teaching season and into winter with a backlog of deferred tasks that demand my attention. Once I have a proper dent pounded into this pile of work there are winter preparations to take care of. Getting the firewood in for the next winter or just buttoning up the place for this winter can gobble up a month. Then, just when I’m catching up and starting to find my stride again the darker shorter days of December fool me into thinking I’ve put in a full day’s work by three thirty in the afternoon.
Combine all this with the pleasures of living a rural life in New England in the winter and it’s easy to understand why I’m a bit behind. We got close to two feet of snow yesterday and that meant I spent more then 4 hours today clearing the drive and paths and checking on roofs. For the third time in a week. That’s fine, I do love winter and snow, but it’s certainly a time consuming relationship. EB White wrote “that just to live in New England in the winter is a full time job.” I agree but it sure is good work if you can get it.
So, as I dive back into the shop full time I’ll use this blog to chronicle my projects. Should be easy stuff to write about right? Look for upcoming post on client furniture and boat construction, our ’85 Westy and my ‘85 Syncro truck, bike posts and a blog on the boat design I’m wrapping up. Also, I’m sure I’ll be sharing photos and words from our trips and the classes I’m teaching. And then, some time next fall I’ll stumble into this hole again. Only I’ll know to have a ladder handy.